Keeping Your Garage Cool in the Summer: Tips to Beat the Raleigh Heat

Keeping Your Garage Cool in the Summer: Tips to Beat the Raleigh Heat, HWS GaragesRaleigh residents are no strangers to blistering temperatures and high humidity during the summer months. Sometimes, that heat can infringe on what might otherwise be a good time. It doesn’t matter if you’re a gearhead who likes to work on your car in the garage, a do-it-yourselfer with your garage serving as your workshop, or someone who likes to kick back in their garage-turned-man cave – the summer sun can quickly heat things up to an uncomfortable level for everyone. Here are a few helpful tips to follow if you’re wondering how you can keep your garage cool in the summer.

  1. Buy a Fan

It almost goes without saying, but a fan is one of the most simple and affordable cooling solutions for your garage in Raleigh. A standard household oscillating fan will provide welcome relief from the heat. Alternatively, you could opt for a box fan, shop fan, or ceiling fan. Regardless of what type of garage fan you choose, getting the air moving and feeling that breeze will make a huge difference.

  1. Upgrade Your Ventilation

Make sure your garage has the right vents in the ceiling to allow heat to escape. Most garages have passive ventilation systems, but you can opt to install an active ventilation system with mechanical ventilation fans. Not only will an exhaust fan help cool down your garage, it also helps clear odors from the garage and fumes from your car or workshop (like gasoline and paint smell).

  1. Install Quality Insulation

A little insulation can go a long way. Most garages have little-to-no insulation, so installing some will help keep the hot summer air out and keep whatever cool air is inside the garage trapped in. Adding insulation to the walls and ceiling of your garage doesn’t have to be a big, expensive project. However, if you’re up for it, the possibilities are nearly endless. From adding insulation to taking things a step further and finishing your garage (think a finished basement, but in your garage) to going all-out and building a custom specialty garage, rest assured that your garage doesn’t have to be a hot box. It can be a cool, comfortable room that looks and feels just like the other rooms of your house.

  1. Add Air Conditioning

Air conditioning in a garage? You’d be surprised how many Raleigh area homeowners have opted for this upgrade. Garages aren’t what they used to be. These days, the appearance of your garage matters, with many choosing to finish their garages into polished, inviting spaces. If you’re going to add insulation to your garage and finish it, then fitting your garage for central air conditioning is the next logical step. People who spend a lot of time in their garage are usually pretty handy, so you might be tempted to tackle a project like this yourself, but your best bet would be to hire a professional company to make sure everything is done correctly and up to code.

Need Help Renovating Your Garage?

If you’re thinking of making changes to your garage, whether it’s simply to keep it cooler this summer or spruce it up to be a more enjoyable and practical space, don’t hesitate to contact us today. At HWS Garages, we have a proven track record of success when it comes to building or renovating Raleigh-area garages, with over 1,000 garages built and countless happy customers since 1992. We’d love to work with you, too!